
To run a simulation, first define a simulation. Available simulation types are

  • ipfs-rpc - A simple simulation that writes and reads to IPFS
  • ceramic-simple - A simple simulation that writes and reads events to two different streams, a small and large model
  • ceramic-write-only - A simulation that only performs updates on two different streams
  • ceramic-new-streams - A simulation that only creates new streams
  • ceramic-model-reuse - A simulation that reuses the same model and queries instances across workers
  • recon-event-sync - A simulation that creates events for Recon to sync at a fixed rate (~300/s by default). Designed for a 2 node network but should work on any.
  • cas-benchmark - A simulation that benchmarks the CAS network.
  • cas-anchoring-benchmark - A simulation that benchmarks the Ceramic with anchoring enabled.

Using one of these scenarios, we can then define the configuration for that scenario:

# basic.yaml
apiVersion: ""
kind: Simulation
  name: basic
  # Must be the same namespace as the network to test
  namespace: keramik-<unique-name>-small
  scenario: ceramic-simple
  devMode: true # optional to remove container resource limits and requirements for local benchmarking
  users: 10
  runTime: 4

If you want to run it against a defined network, set the namespace to the same as the network. in this example the namespace is set to the same network applied when the network was setup. Additionally, you can define the scenario you want to run, the number of users to run for each node, and the number of minutes it will run.

Before running the simulation make sure the network is ready and has monitoring enabled.

kubectl describe network <unique-name>-small

You should see that the number of Ready Replicas is the same as the Replicas. Example simplified output of a ready network:

Name:         nc-small
  Ready Replicas:  2
  Replicas:        2

Once ready, apply this simulation defintion to the k8s cluster:

kubectl apply -f basic.yaml

Keramik will first start all the metrics and tracing resources, once ready it will start the simulation by first starting the simulation manager and then all the workers. The manager and workers will stop once the simulation is complete.

You can then analyze the results of the simulation.

If you want to rerun a simulation with no changes, you can delete the simulation and reapply it.

kubectl delete -f basic.yaml

Simulating Specific Versions

Often you will want to run a simulation against a specific version of software. To do this you will need to build the image and configure your network to run that image.

Example Custom JS-Ceramic Image

Use this example network definition with a custom js-ceramic image.

# custom-js-ceramic.yaml
apiVersion: ""
kind: Network
  name: custom-js-ceramic
  replicas: 2
    namespaced: true
    - image: ceramicnetwork/composedb:dev
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
kubectl apply -f custom-js-ceramic.yaml

You can also run mixed networks and various other advanced configurations.

Example Custom IPFS Image

Use this example network definition with a custom IPFS image.

# custom-ipfs.yaml
apiVersion: ""
kind: Network
  name: custom-ipfs
  replicas: 2
    namespaced: true
    - ipfs:
          image: ceramicnetwork/rust-ceramic:dev
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
kubectl apply -f custom-ipfs.yaml

Example Custom CAS Api Url Network Spec

Use this example in the network definition while using cas-benchmark or cas-anchoring-benchmark. This is specifically for testing against the CAS dev network.

# custom-cas-api.yaml
kind: Network
  name: ceramic-benchmark
    - env:
        CERAMIC_RECON_MODE: "true"
            CERAMIC_ONE_RECON: "true"
  networkType: dev-unstable
  privateKeySecret: ceramic-v4-dev
  ethRpcUrl: ""
kubectl apply -f custom-cas-api.yaml

Example Custom Simulation for Ceramic Anchoring Benchmark

Use this example to run a simulation which uses the CAS Api defined in the network spec. anchorWaitTime: Wait time in seconds for how long we want to wait after streams have been created to check when they have been anchored. This should be a high number like 30-40 minutes. throttleRequests: Number of requests to send per second.

# ceramic-anchoring-benchamrk.yaml
apiVersion: ""
kind: Simulation
  name: basic
  # Must be the same namespace as the network to test
  namespace: keramik-ceramic-benchmark
  scenario: ceramic-anchoring-benchmark
  users: 16
  runTime: 60
  throttleRequests: 100
  anchorWaitTime: 2400
kubectl apply -f ceramic-anchoring-benchamrk.yaml

Example Custom Simulation for cas-benchmark

Use this example to run a simulation you can pass in the the cas-api-url, the network-type, and the private secret key in the spec. By default the casNetwork and casController are set to run against cas-dev-direct Api.

casNetwork: The url of the CAS network to run the simulation against.

casController: The private key of the controller DID to use for the simulation.

# cas-benchmark.yaml
apiVersion: ""
kind: Simulation
  name: basic
  # Must be the same namespace as the network to test
  namespace: keramik-ceramic-benchmark
  scenario: ceramic-anchoring-benchmark
  users: 16
  runTime: 60
  throttleRequests: 100
  casNetwork: ""
  casController: "did:key:<secret>"
kubectl apply -f cas-benchmark.yaml