Specifying a Ceramic admin secret

You can choose to specify a private key for the Ceramic nodes to use as their admin secret. This will allow you to set up the corresponding DID with CAS Auth.

Leaving the private key unspecified will cause a new key to be randomly generated. This can be fine for simulation runs against CAS/Ganache running locally within the cluster but not for simulations that hit CAS running behind the AWS API Gateway. Using an unauthorized DID in that case will prevent the Ceramic nodes from starting up.

apiVersion: "keramik.3box.io/v1alpha1"
kind: Network
  name: small
  replicas: 2
  privateKeySecret: "small"

Note that privateKeySecret is the name of another k8s secret in the keramik namespace that has already been populated beforehand with the desired hex-encoded private key. This source secret MUST exist before it can be used to populate the Ceramic admin secret.

kubectl create secret generic small --from-literal=private-key=0e3b57bb4d269b6707019f75fe82fe06b1180dd762f183e96cab634e38d6e57b

The secret can also be created from a file containing the private key.

kubectl create secret generic small --from-file=private-key=./my_secret

Here's an example of the contents of the my_secret file. Please make sure that there are no newlines at the end of the file.


Alternatively, you can use a kustomization.yml file to create the secret from a file before creating the network, and using the name of the new secret in the network configuration.

namespace: keramik

- name: small
  - .env.secret

Here's an example of the contents of the .env.secret file.
