The operator
automates creating and manipulating networks via custom resource definition.
Any changes to the operator require that you rebuild it and load it into kind again.
docker buildx build --load -t keramik/operator:dev --target operator .
kind load docker-image keramik/operator:dev
Now we need to update the k8s operator definition to use our new image:
Edit ./k8s/operator/kustomization.yaml
to use the dev
- name: keramik/operator
newTag: dev
Edit ./k8s/operator/manifests/operator.yaml
to use IfNotPresent
for the imagePullPolicy
# ...
- name: keramik-operator
image: "keramik/operator"
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# ...
Update the CRD definitions and apply the Keramik operator:
cargo run --bin crdgen | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -k ./k8s/operator/
See the operator background for details on certain design patterns of the operator.