
The runner is a utility for running various jobs to initialize the network and run workloads against it. Currently the runner provides two utilites:

  • Bootstrap nodes
  • Run simulations

If you intend to develop either of these features you will need to build the runner image and configure your network or simulation to use your local image.

Build and Load the Runner Image

The runner is a utility for running various jobs to initialize the network and run workloads against it. Any changes to the runner require that you rebuild it and load it into kind again.

docker buildx build --load -t keramik/runner:dev --target runner .
kind load docker-image keramik/runner:dev

Setup network with Runner Image

To use a custom runner image when you setup your network, you will need to adjust the yaml you use to specify how to bootstrap the runner.

# small.yaml
apiVersion: ""
kind: Network
  name: small
  replicas: 2
  # Use custom runner image for bootstrapping
    image: keramik/runner:dev
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

Setup simulation with Runner Image

You will also need to specify the image in your simulation yaml.

# Custom runner
apiVersion: ""
kind: Simulation
  name: basic
  namespace: keramik-small
  scenario: ceramic-simple
  users: 10
  runTime: 4
  image: keramik/runner:dev
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

Setup Load Generator with the runner image

# Custom load generator
apiVersion: ""
kind: LoadGenerator
  name: load-gen
  namespace: keramik-lgen-demo
  scenario: "CreateModelInstancesSynced"
  runTime: 3
  image: "keramik/runner:dev"
  imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  throttleRequests: 20
  tasks: 2